Ahhh, flu season. It comes and goes, and is strategically aligned with ‘the most wonderful time of the year’ so at least there’s something else to look forward to! Jokes aside, I think this time of year is so important to keep health in mind. Personal health and wellbeing is often sent to the back burner as the holidays approach, and stress levels rise. It’s no wonder our immune systems take a toll during this time.
As a teacher, I am constantly washing my hands and using disinfecting wipes in my classroom. I cringe every time a kid puts a pencil in his or her mouth, doesn’t cover a cough or sneeze, or announces: “I’m sick!” while standing in line about to enter the art room. There are germs aplenty floating around the school, and I was unfortunately one of the most recent victims of the stomach bug.
Yesterday I woke up with stomach pains that I attributed to indigestion. I had indulged on appetizers, lasagne, and wine the evening before, so it wouldn’t have been a surprise that those combinations might stir up some stomach discomfort overnight. I went about my usual routine, but felt noticeably less energetic than any typical Monday morning. I figured it must have been since I stayed up later than usual to watch Sunday night football. Little did I know what the rest of the day would bring…
I made it to work, and during my first class I began to feel worse and worse. I was particularly sensitive to loud noises (and with a class of 25+ students, this was difficult to avoid). I couldn’t concentrate on anything, and I felt like time was moving so slowly. Again, this sounds like a ‘case of the Mondays’ but I assure you, it was not.
Students have been dropping like flies the past few weeks. One class had 10 students out last week, and a safe assumption was that most of them were sick. There can be a shortage of substitute teachers this time of the school year as well. With that in mind, I was reluctant to ask to go home yesterday, knowing that the likelihood of getting a substitute would have been slim to none. However, I knew that it would have been hell trying to stick it out until the end of the day. Thankfully, one of my colleagues was able to cover my remaining classes and I left immediately after my first class.
The rest of the day was pretty awful, but thankfully I was in the comfort of my own home. I was also grateful that my husband happened to be working from home, so he went out to get the essentials (Pepto, ginger ale, applesauce, Gatorade), while I lay on the couch too weak to move. Oh, except to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes. Gross.
I took a sick day today, just to be certain that the ‘bug’ was out of my system. I am feeling much better. I can’t help but think, exactly when and where did I contract this illness? Were there other ways to avoid getting sick besides getting the flu shot, disinfecting my classroom, and washing my hands?
Aside from the brief decline in my health, I have recently purchased some items that have been helpful in my pursuit of general wellness.

As I’ve become more invested in yoga, I decided it was time to buy some accessories for my home practice. I use the blocks for alignment and support, and the strap is helpful for deepening stretches. When I can’t make it to a yoga class at the studio, I set aside some ‘me time’ at home.
My sister was the one who introduced me to essential oils. One of her friends is a doTERRA consultant, so I recently purchased a set of oils from her. She also gave me some empty rollers and explained how to create my own oil blends with Fractionated Coconut Oil. I have found several uses and benefits for the oils already.
How do you invest in your health?